Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SunDog Lit Mag Publishes Poem, "Fish Eggs."

This is an older poem, one that I started working on the first year after my stepfather, Breck passed away after a long battle of terminal cancer.

My mother was left with a lot to sort through--on all levels. I watched her chip away at the garage, his garage, trying to make sense of an entire man's live: captain of a seventy-two foot boat docked in the San Francisco Bay harbor; a scuba diver; a father--twice to different families; a grandfather; a businessman; an outdoorsman; and the list goes on.

One day, my mother came in the house and showed me a dive slate that Breck had written on. This moment in time inspired the poem. I worked on it for a few years, back in 2008, and later returned to it around 2013.

Click here to be taken to the web site where the poem is:

SunDog Lit Mag

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